Copyright 2023 Inman First Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.
Grow with us in our spiritual journey as Jesus' disciples.
Sunday School has been the central avenue of discipleship at Inman First Baptist Church for most of our history. It is a weekly time of studying the Bible, building community, and a path that has led
to ministry and missions throughout our local community and into the wider world. We encourage everyone to find a place to engage and we are always on the lookout for new leaders and teachers! If you would like more information about Sunday School contact Jeremiah Childers, Minister of Spiritual Formation and Engagement at Sunday School begins each Sunday at 9:30 AM.
Adult Co-Ed Classes
Adult Men’s Classes
Adult Women’s Classes
Preschool Classes
Located in the IFBC Kids Intersection between the Welcome Center and Sanctuary.
Children’s Classes
Wednesday Nights Church
Food, Fellowship, and So Much More!
During the fall and spring we have opportunities for
everyone to share in a meal, fellowship, and to grow as disciples of Jesus. We hope you will join us around the table and plug into a ministry that will help you and your family grow!
Wednesday Night Schedule
5:30pm Drop-in Supper—Fellowship Hall
6:00pm Benevolence Team—Welcome Center
6:15pm IFBC Kids—Children’s Wing
6:15pm Intergenerational Small Groups—Room 214
7:00pm Choir Practice—Sanctuary
Monday Morning Bible Study
10:30 AM to Noon in the Fellowship Hall
The Monday Morning Bible Study is a time of deep and
intentional study of Scripture with a time of fellowship! Come for the study and enjoy home baked goodies brought by the class. Each week’s study is led by Jeremiah Childers and is available online by clicking here.
Mid-Week Online Bible Study with Dr. Moore
Each week in preparation for Sunday's sermon, Dr. Moore uploads a mid-week online Bible Study that dives deep into the upcoming sermon's Scripture passage. A time of prayer for the church is also offered. You can find Dr. Moore's study by clicking here.
Ignite Youth Group (7th to 12th Grade)
6:00 PM Each Sunday
in the Youth Room—Room 108
Join other youth as we grow in Christ together. Each week we
begin with a meal followed by a time of worship and small groups.
Contact our Ministers of Family Life, Kelli Kirksey or Sarah Hanks for more information ( /
Service is sharing God's love in tangible ways to our community
Inman First Baptist Church COMMUNITY MINISTIRES
As a church, we believe life is a long-term mission trip, and every day is a short-term mission opportunity. God's word makes it clear that it's our job to share the love of Christ with people we see every day, whether we're in our local community, or halfway across the world. This mission not only impacts those we serve, but is a pathway to spiritual transformation in our own lives. If you would like to donate to any of these ministries you can share your financial gift by clicking here.
Serving the Inman and Campobello area by providing food and assisting with utilities.
A furniture bank that gives an opportunity for families in need to re-establish their home with household items. Donations are thankfully accepted by calling 864-472-6176. If you would like more information or have a question about the Corner of Hope Ministry, visit their website here.
The Backpack Ministry provides food to the children in our local schools who are in need. So many children only receive breakfast and lunch while attending school, so this ministry provides additional food for the weekends and holidays.
Threads of Hope
A sharing closet for families of District One Schools.
Deacon Family Ministry
District One Release Time (Chapman High School Bible Class)
Habitat for Humanity
Operation Christmas Child
And more.....
Want to know more before visiting?
Inman First Baptist Church is located at
14 North Howard Street
Inman, SC 29349.
We hope this information helps in the planning of your first visit to our church.
First, let us share what we believe as a church. We believe.....
Special Guest Parking spaces are directly in front of the main entrance to the church. If you plan to attend our Worship Service (and plan for your children to sit with you), please enter through our main doors located at the front of the church building. Our Welcome Team will be there to provide you with a bulletin of the order of worship, assist you in finding a seat, answer any questions you may have, and help you in any way.
If you would like for your children to be part of our nursery or Children's Church, please come to the Welcome Center. To locate our Welcome Center, simply take a short walk along the right
side of the building. Our Children & Youth Staff will be there to meet you, check-in your children and share information regarding our children services. Please arrive approximately twenty (20) minutes prior to the Worship Service to allow plenty of time for your children and you to get settled. When our Worship Service ends, someone from our Welcome Team will be available to lead you to the Children's Church area to pick-up your child/children.
We offer designated parking spaces for anyone that may require a walking ramp or an elevator to avoid stair climbing. Our other special services include our hearing loop system that may be utilized by anyone who wears a hearing aid that contains a "t-coil". This is provided to enhance your hearing capacity in our Sanctuary.
There is no dress code at Inman First Baptist Church for members or guests. You will
see many people dressed in traditional "Sunday" dress and just as many who are dressed casually. Whatever your choice, we want you to feel welcome and comfortable during your visit and worship time. At IFBC, it's not about the clothes, it's all about the worship!
We love to say we have an awesome blend of traditional and contemporary worship. Our congregation is comprised of all age groups and we strive to create a worship experience that touches each heart. To experience our Worship Service before you attend, please feel free to view one of our streamed services.
Inman First Baptist Church is located in the small historic town of Inman, SC. We are nestled in the Upstate of South Carolina along the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. As a a church we are a congregation of imperfect believers committed to sharing the message of Christ and guiding others to faith in Him. We aim to love God by loving others. The work of our church is directed at others in hopes of sharing God’s love in Jesus and that through us others will encounter God's love in Christ. Through all we do, say, and preach, we pray that we will shine the light of Christ to our community. If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to join us!
You're not alone here at Inman FIrst! Dive into a community focused on loving God and loving people. More Ministries
The mission of IFBC KIDS is to equip parents to lead their children towards a relationship with Jesus, assist volunteers to shepherd children in safe and developmentally appropriate environments, and encourage children to grow in Christ by teaching them biblical truths in relevant and creative ways.
IFBC KIDS is for children birth through third grade. Children are invited each Sunday to Sunday School at 9:30 AM. In the Fall and Spring, IFBC KIDS meets from 6:30-7:30 PM on Wednesday evenings for fun filled nights of learning about God and how to serve others.
If you have any questions about IFBC KIDS contact our Ministers of Family Life, Kelli Kirksey or Sarah Hanks (
4-6th grade students meet every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM in their own space as a small group.
The preteen years are critical years. During these years students are asking questions like: Who am I? Who are my friends? What do I feel? And what is faith? We want every student who enters this space to feel loved and welcomed. We want this to be a safe space for them to bring their struggles and anxieties. A place they can grow together in fellowship and come to understand what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Contact Kelli Kirksey, Minister of Family Life or Sarah Hanks, Associate Minister of Family Life for more information about SHIFT ( /
IGNITE exists to move our students toward spiritual maturity and growth in their relationship with Jesus Christ, connecting with the church, and engaging the community.
Ignite is for 7th - 12th Graders. Weekly we meet for Sunday School at 9:30 AM each Sunday morning in Room 108.
On Sunday evenings, IGINITE meets at 6:00 PM for supper, worship and small groups. IGNITE serves the community twice a month on Saturday mornings through the Common Ground Food Pantry. During the fall and spring semesters of school IGNITE seeks to grow closer to God and one another through retreats. In the summer the youth have an opportunity for spiritual growth and missional engagement through PASSPORT CAMP.
If you would like more information about IGNITE, contact Kelli Kirksey, Minister of Family life or Sarah Hanks, Associate Minister of Family Life ( /
Inman First Baptist Child Development Center is an outreach ministry of Inman First Baptist Church. The IFBC CDC provides care for children 3 months – 4 years during the day as well as a preschool only program for 2k - 4k. Our Afterschool program provides care for 5k – 8th grade in the afternoons. We are a proud 5 Star member of Spartanburg County Quality Counts program. Quality Counts is a program designed to aide in children's development from 2 months through 5 years old. The program helps determine if a child is meeting their milestones and if not provides tools to proactively aide with development.
Contact the IFBC Child Development Center by Calling (864) 708-1816.
Inman First Baptist Church loves our community. Jesus teaches us to serve one another. As a church we commit to love our neighbors in tangible ways. If you would like to contribute to any of our community ministries or would like more information please contact the church office (864) 472-9069 or give online here.
The Corner of Hope has been serving our community for over a decade as we meet the needs of those who face furniture poverty. The COH partners with other non-profit agencies and ministries across Spartanburg County. These community partners refer clients to our ministry to receive much needed furniture and house hold items that can help make a house a home.
The love for our students in local schools has led our church to form the Threads of Hope Ministry: A Sharing Closet for District One Schools. Throughout the year we collect new and gently used clothes, shoes, socks, underwear, and coats to distribute to children referred by District One Schools. On designated "shopping days," referred families with school children are able to come and choose the clothes for themselves.
Many of our neighbors in Inman and Campobello face weekly struggles to pay bills and buy groceries. Many are hard working mothers and fathers. As a church we belive no one, especially children, should face the end of the day and be hungry. Inman First Baptist Church works each week to help those in our surrounding neighborhoods feel loved through meeting the most basic need, food.
The Backpack Ministry serves students throughout District One Schools who may not have enough food over the weekend. Bags of food items that can be easily opened and prepared are given to students by their schools each Friday. The bags of food are discreetly given and and placed in student's backpacks. We pray that each child knows they are loved and valued.
IFBC's Benevolence Team meets each Wedneseday evening from 6:00 to 7:00 PM to offer assistance to those who need food or help on utility bills.
The Common Ground Food Pantry that is led by our IGNITE YOUTH GROUP and serves families on the second and fourth Saturday of each month.